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how To Make Satay Indonesia Food

Chicken Sate Recipe - Satay dish is quite unique because its small pieces of meat are skewered by coconut / bamboo sticks, roasted using charcoal embers. Not only the meat, various ingredients in the spice make every satay recipe able to spoil the tongue.

Various kinds of meat can be made satay, such as chicken, goat, lamb, rabbit, horse, and others. Recipes from Java are now found in all corners of Indonesia as well as in Southeast Asian countries.

Chicken satay is the most popular type of satay because the fat content in chicken meat is more 'safe' than beef, goat, and others.

The difference of all types of satay lies in the seasoning, such as peanut sauce, soy sauce, coconut milk, and others. Satay made from chicken meat which is more tender and soft, suitable served for the elderly who want to eat it with rice cake.

By type, the naming of a recipe is determined by the region's specificity or appearance. Seven chicken satay recipes which include home-cooked chicken satay recipes, Madura, peanut sauce, soy sauce, wrap, Ponorogo, and Padang will be discussed here.
how To Make Satay Indonesia Food

Homemade Chicken Satay Recipe

How to make and Homemade Chicken Satay Recipes

This recipe is commonly practiced in our homes when Eid al-Adha arrives. The ingredients needed are simple. Peanut sauce served with chicken-based satay is very fitting on the tongue of the Indonesian people.

For those of you who have never made it yourself at home and want to try it, note the ingredients and each stage of how to make the following.


  • ¼ kg groundnut, fry and puree
  • 5 cloves shallot, puree
  • 5 cloves of garlic, puree
  • 4 red chilies, puree
  • ½ liter of water
  • 100 ml of soy sauce
  • 1 gram of orange leaf
  • Pepper, salt and sugar to taste

How to make Homemade Chicken Satay:

  1. Cut chicken, cut with skewers, then set aside.
  2. Saute ground spices with orange leaves, water, sweet soy sauce, salt, and pepper until cooked and boil, set aside.
  3. Take peanut sauce to taste and then add with soy sauce. Smear on the surface of the meat, let stand briefly so that the spices seep.
  4. Bake or broil the satay while smearing the seasoning over and over so it doesn't burn.
  5. Satay is ready to be served with peanut sauce and additives such as pickles, lime slices, and tomato slices.

Madura Chicken Satay Recipe

How to make and Madura Chicken Satay Recipe

Madura chicken satay is one type of satay famous for its uniqueness in seasoning ingredients. The seasoning feels different on the tongue than the other chicken satay seasonings. This is because Madurese have a secret recipe for seasoning.

The secret of this chicken satay recipe you can know by listening to each stage of how to make it. If you are curious, immediately record and prepare the following ingredients.

Ingredients (6 servings):

  • 450 grams of chicken meat
  • 2 limes
  • 75 ml of sweet soy sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Pickles or pickled cucumbers
  • Chicken Oil:

  • 75 ml of cooking oil
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon coriander

Peanut sauce:

  • 1 tablespoon red chili
  • 3 tablespoons of cooking oil
  • 1 teaspoon shallot
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic
  • 250 ml of water
  • 150 grams of peanuts


  1. Wash chicken fillets thoroughly.
  2. Then cut into thin rectangular shapes, then add lime juice. Mix well, then add soy sauce and salt.
  3. Let stand a few minutes so that the spices seep.
  4. Peanut sauce:
  5. Blend the seasoning and stir-fry. Next enter the water into the seasoning stir, followed by the mashed beans.
  6. Stir for a long time then add sugar.
  7. If it is really thick, lift it.

How to make Madura Chicken Satay:

Mix oil, coriander and garlic, cook over low heat until garlic turn yellow.
Lift, cool, then strain and just take the oil and then prick it.
Before burning, spread with chicken spread oil.
Then bake or grill the satay until done on medium heat.
Serve with peanut sauce and fresh vegetables or pickled cucumbers
Can you guess what's different? Right, how to make seasoning. The peanut sauce for Madura satay is cooked longer than the other peanut seasonings, which is marked by the release of peanut oil. The longer the process, the more solid flavor.

Madurese have their own ways to make different recipes in their seasoning. In addition to seasoning and peanut oil, the secret of the delicious Satay Madura also lies in the processed chicken oil.

Recipe for Beef Chicken Satay
How to make and Recipe Chicken Satay Seasoning Beans

Peanut sauce satay is a type of satay that is easily found on the market and roadside. Therefore, the ingredients and how to make peanut sauce chicken satay is not much different from the recipe for home chicken satay.

Even if there are, the difference between the two recipes may only lie in the composition of beans and soy sauce or other supporting herbs and the sensation of the concoction between your hand and the seller.

While the similarities are both made from chicken which is a favorite food of all walks of life, from children to adults. Especially if it is processed into satay, the texture, smell, and taste are appetizing. Here is the recipe.


  • ½ village / domestic chicken, remove skin and bones, diced
  • 5 tablespoons soy sauce for spread
  • 2 tablespoons margarine, melt for spread
  • 2 limes (if you like)
  • Prick skewers to taste

Peanut sauce:

  • 350 ml of water
  • 150 grams of fried peanuts, puree with a blender or hand rub
  • 5 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Pepper powder and salt to taste
  • Adequate cooking oil (for sauteing)
  • 5 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 red chilies
  • 2 candlenuts

Complementary ingredients: Ketupat / rice cake and sliced ​​tomatoes, cayenne pepper, and shallots,

Bumbu kacang:

Peanut sauce:

First heat the oil, add the finely grounded spices (onion, garlic, red chili, and hazelnut), then saute until fragrant.
Next enter the fine peanuts and water, then cook until boiling and thick.
Add pepper powder, salt, soy sauce and stir until smooth.
How to make Peanut Chicken Satay:

Wash chicken meat thoroughly then drain. Once dry, skewer the chicken with a skewer and set aside.
Mix sweet soy sauce and margarine then stir until evenly mixed then spread on chicken satay until evenly distributed.
Make a furnace and bake it on the coals until half cooked then remove from heat. Then dip it in the peanut sauce and bake again until cooked and brownish in color.
Peanut sauce satay ready to be served with lime juice and complement.
You can serve chicken satay seasoning as the main menu for lunch when all the families gather at home.

Chicken soto recipe you can also consider practicing with chicken satay recipe, moreover they are suitable side by side with rice cake. You can serve soup to parents who usually like soup food to make it easier to chew.

Soy Sauce Chicken Sate Recipe
How to make Sate Sauce and Sate Chicken Recipe

The next recipe is soy sauce seasoning satay recipe. How to make soy sauce seasoning chicken satay is as easy as home-cooked chicken satay and peanut sauce. The taste was no less delicious and delicious on the tongue than other satay recipes.

For those of you who want to try it, immediately prepare the following ingredients cooking utensils. Then follow each step or how to make it.


300 grams of chicken meat, cut 2x2x1 cm
1 tablespoon soy sauce
25 ml of water
1 teaspoon cooking oil
19 pieces of skewers
Ground spices:

50 grams of brown sugar, finely combed
1 tablespoon coriander powder
1 teaspoon salt
Soy sauce ingredients:

8 green chilies, sliced
5 shallots, finely sliced
6 tablespoons soy sauce
Complementary ingredients: 3 servings of white rice and 2 slices of red tomatoes.

How to make Soy Sauce with Chicken Satay:

Mix chicken with all the spices, then add soy sauce and cooking oil.
Squeeze the meat until it is even, then add water and stir until it is even. Let stand for 1 hour.
Skewers of chicken on skewers that have been provided.
Then roast satay while smeared with the remaining seasoning until cooked.
Sambal: mix all ingredients to make chili sauce and stir well.
Soy seasoned chicken satay is ready to be served with soy sauce and complement.
The old chicken processing makes the satay recipe this time more special because the marinade is made to soak longer. However, how to make it quite easy right?

Recipe Chicken Lilit Satay
How to make and Wrap Chicken Satay Recipe

This Balinese chicken satay is the next subject. For those of you who have never seen it, you will be surprised because it looks more like a rolled omelette, a child's snack that is widely sold in schools. But of course the satay still feels.

This method is also quite easy because it does not require materials or tools that require you to buy it in Bali. The elderly will easily chew it in the mouth. If you are curious, immediately prepare the ingredients for this chicken satay recipe.

Ingredients (20 servings):

1/4 kg of ground chicken
1/4 grated coconut
25 lemongrass stems
salt to taste
Ground spices:

4 cloves of shallot
3 cloves of garlic
1 grain of hazelnut
1 red chili
3 cayenne peppers
1 segment of ginger
1 turmeric segment
1/2 kencur segment
1/2 laos segment
1/4 teaspoon coriander
1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste
1/4 teaspoon brown sugar
How to make Twisted Chicken Satay:

Sauté the spices that have been crushed or blended (in Bali called the base even) with salt and 1 lemongrass that has been crushed until fragrant.
Mix the cooked spices with grated coconut and ground chicken, knead, then wrap the dough on the lemongrass stems until they run out.
Prepare a grill and use banana leaves as a base so that the satay does not stick to the grill.
Bake all sides (back and forth) chicken until cooked so that the texture of the satay is tender evenly. This step must be done patiently because if you want to make a delicious satay, of course you must obey each step in the way of making it.
Balinese chicken wrapped satay is ready to be served with sambal matah, sambal with a thin slice of onion composition, lemongrass, cayenne pepper, salt, and a little coconut oil.
Ponorogo Chicken Satay Recipe
How to make and Ponorogo Chicken Satay Recipe

The 6th chicken satay recipe is from Ponorogo. Not only known for its reog, Ponorogo also has culinary specialties, especially satay. Like Madura, this city, located in East Java, has a unique recipe for peanut sauce.

If the secret of Madura chicken satay lies in the process of cooking the old marinade, then the secret of Ponorogo chicken satay lies in the use of garlic, other spices, and how to process the chicken. Are you curious? Listen or just make it at home.

Ingredients (6-12 servings):

  • 1.5 kg of chicken meat, remove the bones then cut into squares / according to taste
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 60 skewers

Ground spices:

  • 11 cloves of shallot
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 tablespoon coriander seeds
  • 1-2 segments (index finger) galangal
  • Red chili and cayenne pepper (amount according to taste)
  • 4 candlenuts
  • Salt and brown sugar to taste

Topical Material:

16 tsp chicken oil.
4 tablespoons soy sauce.
2 tablespoons brown sugar, comb gently
Peanut sauce:

  • 400 grams of peanuts, fried until black
  • 6 cloves of garlic, fried until wilted
  • 4 candlenuts, fry until they change color
  • 600 ml of water
  • Salt and sugar that has been combed to taste
  • Complementary ingredients: Lontong to taste, thin slices of cayenne pepper, and soy sauce to taste

How to make Ponorogo Chicken Satay:

  1. Select the chest or thighs to get more meat and facilitate processing.
  2. Wash thoroughly then blend chicken with lime juice to remove odors.
  3. Enter the blended seasonings in a bowl.
  4. Smear the chicken with the spices, leave it to soak for 30 minutes.
  5. Except water, puree all the ingredients for making peanut sauce, then pour it into the pan. Add water, boil until boiling, remove from heat, then set aside.
  6. Skewers of meat that has been smeared with seasoning on a skewer, set aside.
  7. Prepare the charcoal embers and then burn the satay which has been smeared with seasoning while occasionally smearing it with a topical seasoning. Lift then place on a serving plate.
  8. Flush with peanut sauce and sprinkle whole chili on top.
  9. Padang Chicken Satay Recipe
  10. How to make and Padang Chicken Satay Recipe

The next chicken satay recipe that is no less delicious and able to make the tongue sway is Padang chicken satay. The way of making and appearance is different from the chicken satay in general because Padang sate is usually served with gravy without peanut sauce.


300 grams of chicken fillets, cut into pieces
1 cup turmeric leaves, tied
4 tablespoons of orange leaves, remove the bones and cut into pieces
2 lemongrass stems, take the white and then memarkan
1 piece of kandis acid
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 tsp sugar
550 ml of water to boil
3 tablespoons of oil for spread
Ground spices:

  • 3 large red chilies
  • 6 red onions
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon cumin
  • 3 cm turmeric, burn
  • 1 cm of ginger
  • 1 cm galangal


  • 250 ml of water
  • 20 grams of rice flour
  • 1 teaspoon sago flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 300 ml of broth (remaining chicken stew)

How to make Padang Chicken Satay:

  1. The first step, boil chicken, spices, turmeric leaves, orange leaves, lemongrass, and kandis acid until cooked and absorbed. Remove and then skewer with a skewer.
  2. Burn while applying oil until fragrant.
  3. Sambal: Boil broth, add water, rice flour, sago flour, salt, and sugar, then cook until it bursts.
  4. Serve with rice cake and topping with fried shallots.
  5. Easy and simple is not it, practicing all the special Indonesian chicken satay recipes? You can try it at home with materials and tools that are easily available on the market. If you follow the rules, God willing, the results can spoil the tongue of the family.

You can enjoy being together with your family while preparing ingredients, baking satay, and enjoying it. Besides satay, another processed chicken recipe that you should not miss is the teriyaki chicken recipe that is formulated creatively so as to add to your creativity.


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