how To Make Satay Indonesia Food
Chicken Sate Recipe - Satay dish is quite unique because its small pieces of meat are skewered by coconut / bamboo sticks, roasted using charcoal embers. Not only the meat, various ingredients in the spice make every satay recipe able to spoil the tongue. Various kinds of meat can be made satay, such as chicken, goat, lamb, rabbit, horse, and others. Recipes from Java are now found in all corners of Indonesia as well as in Southeast Asian countries. Chicken satay is the most popular type of satay because the fat content in chicken meat is more 'safe' than beef, goat, and others. The difference of all types of satay lies in the seasoning, such as peanut sauce, soy sauce, coconut milk, and others. Satay made from chicken meat which is more tender and soft, suitable served for the elderly who want to eat it with rice cake. By type, the naming of a recipe is determined by the region's specificity or appearance. Seven chicken satay recipes which include home-cooked chick...